12/10: round-up
Happy Friday, folks!
Here’s what I have for you today:
What I read last week
As always:
I’m selling 5 books for $30 to raise funds for The West Review’s contributors. Free shipping. You can tell me what you’re looking for or let me surprise you. They’re generally brand-new to lightly-annotated by yours truly. I will also include stickers or a lil zine, if I remember.
you can receive a surprise book in the mail every month for $10 monthly. FUN!!!!
What else?
1) Ugly Duckling Presse shared my review of Saretta Morgan’s Feeling Upon Arrival on their Instagram, which was sweet.
You can read the full microreview here.
& you can read the full chapbook here.
2) Also I got my first-ever essay accepted by one of my favorite journals & am a puddle about it. I’m so happy.
3) I’m (e-)tabling at the East Bay Alternative Book and Zine Fest, so it’s a great time to remind you that a) I make zines and b) you can buy them!
They’re all on sale today through Monday.
Open markets:
16 Literary Magazines Accepting New Writers - Paying markets
A hot take from Sarah Manguso:
The fastest way to revise a piece of work is to send it, late at night, to someone whose opinion you fear. Then rewrite it, praying you’ll finish in time to send a new version by morning.
What I’m reading
What I read last week:
“Messy Bedrooms: Dodie Bellamy’s Gospel of Excess,” Leslie Jamison
Poetry is Not a Project, Dorothea Lasky
300 Arguments, Sarah Manguso
What I’m reading next week:
The entirety of Ugly Duckling Presse’s free online chapbook archive. Discovering it has made me happier than anything else maybe ever.
Other recommendations:
May Swenson, always.
You might as well start by confessing your greatest shame. Anything else would jsut be exposition.
-Sarah Manguso
I want to preserve my old longings.
-Sarah Manguso
I was afraid of my feeling. It was more powerful than God. If we’d ever spoken it might have burned the whole place down.
-Sarah Manguso
I want to shed my fears one by one until there is nothing left of me.
-Sarah Manguso
Poetry has everything to do with existing in a realm of uncertainty.
-Dorothea Lasky
Have a good weekend!