Happy Monday!
For the month of May, I’ve decided to post a prompt-a-day—which will hopefully inspire you (and me!) to write some poems. & if you’re a fiction or nonfiction writer: maybe these simple prompts will inspire you to write some micro or flash pieces.
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
Day 1: Prompt
Write an ode.
An ode, as you likely know, is a poem of praise. Here are some of my favorites:
For extra credit:
Write an ode about something that wouldn’t usually garner praise.
I have been enjoying some things lately. Here they are.
This lavender syrup for your coffee (I use it everyday!)
I’ve been cleaning out my bookshelves and, in doing so, chose to review some of the books I loved—specifically Caramelo. If anyone wants to study simile/metaphor, you should read this novel. Sandra Cisneros is the king.
To write is to ask questions.
-Sandra Cisneros, Caramelo
My mind forgets. But my body always remembers.
-Sandra Cisneros
The sea turns wild on us.
-Sandra Cisneros
Sadness always arrives in greater doses after dark.
-Sandra Cisneros
Sometimes my heart’s like a little canary in a cage, leaping back and forth, back and forth.
-Sandra Cisneros
After all these years, I’m still trying to forget.
-Sandra Cisneros
A dream is a poem the body writes.
-Sandra Cisneros
Dust motes eavesdrop, pirouetting and somersaulting in the shafts of sunlight.
-Sandra Cisneros
For a long time after, I’d just burst into tears if anyone even touched me. Sometimes it’s like that when somebody touches you and you haven’t been touched in a long time.
-Sandra Cisneros
Sadness suits me. I savor it the way some people savor good food.
-Sandra Cisneros
I hurt. But sometimes that’s the only way you know you’re alive. […] I feel like I’m soaked in sadness. Anyone comes near me, or just brushes me with their eyes, I know I’ll just fall apart. Like a book left in the rain.
-Sandra Cisneros
Posts from last month that you liked:
This is a good poem:
This is giving Phil Dunphy energy (proof):
See you tomorrow with a new prompt!
& catch me here:
Used books
-Despy Boutris