Happy Wednesday!
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
Day 10: Prompt
Write a poem that touches on the topic of mental (or physical!) illness.
Here are some great books with physical illness/disability as a central theme:
Here are some great books with mental illness as a central theme:
Here are some individual poems worth looking at:
Thank you all for genuinely, like, keeping me alive.
& as always:
I am selling new to lightly-used books for very cheap.
I wrote a lil e-book guide to publishing poems (&, as a lil extra: applying to graduate programs).
This is doing wonders for my hair.
This is the only sunscreen I’m willing to *actually wear.*
After a traumatic trip to the vet (only a check-up, Stella’s fine, vets are just mean), I’ve been coddling my cat’s teeth. She actually bears this toothpaste, and maybe even likes the taste of it. She loves these treats. And she’s relatively enthusiastic about these, too. I recommend them.
I have a bazillion earrings so I hate earbuds. These headphones are nice, though.