Happy Monday!
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
Tweets (many tweets—open this email in a new window to get to the end!)
Day 22: Prompt
Write a poem about something that will always stick with you.
I have a lot of books. Please buy some.
I made a Sappho poster & you can buy it for $9:
I have a lot of zines for sale on the website.
I’ve been reading The Penguin Book of Homosexual Verse this morning.
Hetero-sex is best for the man of a serious turn of mind,
But here’s a hint, if you should fancy the other:
Turn Menophila round in bed, address her peachy behind.
And it’s easy to pretend you’re screwing her brother.
-Marcus Argentarius (tr. Fleur Adcock)
If you see someone beautiful
hammer it out right then.
Say what you think; put your hands full
on his bollocks: be a man.
-Adaios (tr. Alistair Elliot)
Again? New tumults in by breast?
Ah spare me, Venus! let me, let me rest!
See you tomorrow—
cool! thanks for the prompts 🙏 love stuff like this