30 days of prompts: day 23
Happy Tuesday!
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
What I’m reading
Day 23: Prompt
Write a poem that takes place in suburbia.
Here are some examples:
Girldom by Megan Peak, in its entirety. You’ve heard of Southern Gothic—now get ready for Suburban Gothic.
What I’m reading:

this morning i saw “the last time i saw amelia earhart” on my bookshelf and thought to myself “is my memory betraying me? was the book rly that good?” so i started rereading it & can confirm that it’s rly That Good
Solitude, I believe, can be very sexy. In solitude, like masturbation, the body opens—but if not to another, then to what?

my least fav rejection letter is "We have considered your manuscript carefully and decided against publication." b/c it's like: "yes, we actually read all of ur Best Poems *carefully* & as a group decided that they're Not Good Enough for our Renowned journal." like ok hurtful

20-something: My rent is incr-
Some guy™: Why do you live somewhere so expensive? Have you considered moving to a dilapidated shack in a swamp? You think there aren’t jobs? ?? My buddy got a job kidnapping children for bog witches. It’s not glamorous but it pays well. This gen-

Some of y’all really can’t tweet unless you mention the prestigious institution youre attached to, huh

i told someone i grew up in the midwest and they were like “does that mean your family like went to olive garden all the time?”and it’s like, no, we obviously didn’t go to olive garden all the time… we saved it for special occasions.

kick cops out of pride and the politicians decide to bail, too? love where this is headed, let's get the banks next

I have a few NYT posts left in me. here's one: I really can't stand the cult of "new". seems like it cuts across academia, journalism, and even art - the drive for novelty or the appearance of it. puts me into curmudgeonly uncle mode immediately

Opinion | I Was A Beloved Professor Who Regularly Propositioned My Students for Sex. Then The Woke Mob Came For Me.

I took a class on tarot once out of curiosity, taught by a little old white lady in Brooklyn. She had a few basic rules - one was absolutely NEVER use a deck that only has white people illustrated bc 1. that’s not reality and 2. no spiritual good comes from white supremacy.

straight up sobbing before 9AM because i saw a tik tok about a girl whose mom died young and who took it for granted her partner would never get to meet her. but then plot twist the mom was his kindergarten teacher UGHHHHHHHHHHH

one of the scariest things a company can use in advertising is the phrase “we want you”. what do you want me for? to grind up my bones? i don’t trust this at all
In conclusion:
I’ll be back tomorrow with another prompt.
And also, as always, I hope you’ll consider buying some books or art or zines or shirts or giving me attention on Instagram. No pressure, though.
See you tomorrow!