Happy Tuesday!
And welcome to your last day (!) of prompts.
Here’s what I have for you today:
The final prompt
In review
Day 30: Prompt
Write an abecedarian.
An abecedarian poem is
a poem in which the first letter of each line or stanza follows sequentially through the alphabet. (x)
Here are some examples:
I have too many books. Please buy some.
Issue 9 of The West Review
came out this morning! You can read it in full here, and below are some previews:

In review:
Prompts I’ve given this month:
Write a poem that touches on the topic of mental (or physical!) illness.
Listen to a song you love. Write a poem inspired by that song.
Write a poem about something that will always stick with you.
Use another poet’s line as your first line in a poem. (With credit)
Write an abecedarian.

That’s all I have for you today!
& as always, I hope you’ll consider buying some books or art or zines or giving me attention on Instagram. No pressure, though.
Talk soon—
-Despy Boutris