Happy Thursday, folks.
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
Some books I love
Tweets (Many tweets—open this email in a new tab to get to the end)
Day 4: Prompt
Write an origin poem.
Now, this kind of poem can look like a self-portrait (yesterday’s prompt)—but it can also look very different. It might recount an experience that made you who you are, or it might look back at family history. It might be a persona poem and take on the voice of someone you knew, or a celebrity, or a literary character.
Here are some examples:
Extra credit:
Use the words “call me” in one of your lines.
Here are some (more) examples:
call me flower or desert
Call me and tell me that Paris is on fire at last,
that the queens of Harlem can have their operations
and their washing machines. Call me seamless,
call me sir. Call me tomorrow’s inevitable sunrise.
Call me bloodcurse, fair hair shriveled
& sprouting teeth, stain across the temple
If you must call me, call me Earth,
call me Chipmunk, call me Woolen Scarf—
call me Wind Chime crafting turbulence.
Call me Colorado. Call me sunset. Lafayette,
Erie, sinister: O left hand, O hand raised
& lowered. Call me bottle on the ground
& I'll call it a gift.
& here are some of (!) my absolute favorite poetry collections ever ever.
Really, this is an abridged list. But you should check these out, if you haven’t read them already:
I’ll see you tomorrow with a new prompt!
&, as always, catch me here:
Used books
Sending love—
-Despy Boutris