30 days of prompts: day 8
Happy Monday!
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
Day 8: Prompt
Write an anti-sonnet.
A sonnet, as you know, is a 14-lined poem—one that historically is in iambic pentameter & rhymes. Historically, these are also love poems—and heterosexual ones at that. They are also historically written by cis straight white men.
An anti-sonnet, then, 1) spans 14 lines but 2) generally (not always!) doesn’t rhyme / isn’t in meter, because it’s 2022, and 3) subverts the traditional form by focusing on subjects that weren’t addressed in Shakespeare & Donne’s times.
Here are some examples of anti-sonnets:
Sonnet for a Tall Flower Blooming at Dinnertime, Yona Harvey
I Will Put Chaos into Fourteen Lines, Edna St. Vincent Millay
I had a very fun weekend being creative & stuff.

imagine your roommate eats the plums you were saving for breakfast and then writes a bitchy little poem talking about how good they were. and then it becomes one of the most famous poems of all time