30 days of prompts: day 9
Happy Tuesday!
Here's what I have for you today:
The prompt
Day 9: Prompt
Write a poem about the body.
Here are some really wonderful poetry collections about the body:
& here are some poems as examples:
& one of my own poems about the body:
I’m continuing to have fun designing shirts.
You can buy one for $22 (or under!) here.
& as always,
I’m selling new to lightly-used books on my website—5 for $30.

i just received the BEST (& most exceptionally queer!) book haul from @itsdbouts in the mail this morning 🥰

You can also get a book delivered to your home every month for $10 monthly.

the absolute shock I feel when someone brings up something I tweeted in person??? like no that was PRIVATE, it was between me and the entire internet

Men are rightfully angry at patriarchy and the violence of the gender binary. But instead of freeing themselves they blame women, and anyone who doesn't perform whatever idea of maleness they both worship and resent.

if you’re worried about billionaires owning publically sourced content on social media wait until you hear about academic publishing

everyone in a friend group has their own little role, and i’m proud to be the one who always thinks everyone should quit their job

please don't protest the laws we made about your bodies at our homes because our homes are private and they belong to us.

If I was a millionaire I’d live out my wildest dreams, like buying raspberries when they’re not on sale