30 days of prompts: days 27 & 28
Happy Sunday!
You’re getting two prompts in one day, again, since I missed yesterday’s. I’m keeping my Saturdays for myself. Hehe.
Day 27: Prompt
Write a poem where the title’s a question.
Day 28: Prompt
Write a lessons-learned poem.
A quotation:
The same way the ghost enters—
humbly—the brittle hardware
of our bodies, or hidden fires hum
in all the wires of the house,
shuttling what we live by.
-Sunni Brown Wilkinson
A title I admire, courtesy of Jeanann Verlee:
He Wants to Know Why Sometimes in the Face of Conflict I Neither Fight nor Flee, but Instead Go Disconcertingly Mute, Eyes Locked Ahead Like Some Sad Dead Thing Looking off into the Empty of Its Own Future

& as always, I hope you’ll consider buying some books or art or zines or giving me attention on Instagram. No pressure, though.
See you tomorrow—
-Despy Boutris