musings: october 5
Hi. folks. It’s only Tuesday. I’m so tired.
Here’s what my week looks like so far:
Anyway, here’s a very necessary bumper sticker.
Quotations from poems I read this week:
And I wonder, if insides could speak / beyond the wet language of gurgle / and ache, would we not discern / beneath the inevitable surrender / a bit of resentment?
-Alice Friman, “With Due Respect”
Let’s call healing memory’s erasure.
-John Sibley Williams, “Rehearsal for Winter”
We were meant to be / something greater than / the sum of our griefs.
-Kaveh Akbar, “I Want Back Everything I’ve Laid on the Altar”
Privilege is an aggressive form of amnesia.
-Elisa Gonzalez, “Failed Essay on Privilege”
How tenuous our attachments, what frail / articulations tether us to the world.
-Michael Pettit, “Vernal Fevers”
I am ripe for a bit of solitude, the white crackle of the pine cones.
-Lisa Lubasch, “The Situation/Evidence”
All art arises from longing.
-Kate Greenstreet
Books I read this week:
The Last 4 Things, Kate Greenstreet
Wilderness//Kingdom, Jory Mickelson
Who likes writer drama?
And, if you haven’t read it yet: “Cat Person” and Me
Something else to read:
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A few tweets I liked:
I’m listening to a biography of Leonardo da Vinci and basically everybody is like “you’re somebody’s bastard son, and also gay, that’s OK, you’re really smart and nice and funny and hot and good at drawing and we all want to fuck you, just keep drawing stuff, here’s money!”
cat calling women by slow blinking at them from across the street so they know they can feel at ease around me
headlines about being murdered after “rejecting romantic overtures” or “staying in an abusive relationship” are journalistic malpractice every single time
That’s all for today! Thanks for being here.