round-up: 2/7
Happy Monday, all!
Hope you’re all doing well & staying healthy.
Here’s what I have for you today:
What I’m reading
My lil fiction collection, Burials, is now available for preorder at Bull City Press.
And, yes, this link will be in the newsletter until the book comes out in March.
It’s worth noting, too, that it only costs $3.99!
Zócalo Public Square shared a poem of mine from a few years ago, which was very sweet.

& I spent the weekend making a new zine.
It contains an excerpt from my memoir-in-progress & also my own illustrations & is very fun, if I do say so myself.
It’s not on my website yet, but here are a bunch of other zines I’ve made that are available.
What I read last weekend:
Manifesto: Profit-for-Survival, Be Oakley
(&, despite misspelling Fred Moten’s name, it contained a lot of really great thoughts.)
Here are the highlights, for me…
The conversation around making profit from books, zines and other disseminated objects hits a wall because we live in a capitalist system in which the norm is: there is no money in books. Why are we perpetuating this idea so strongly? When did we accept that there is no money in books (much less in our art and in creative practice in general)? Who profits from this rhetoric?
-Be Oakley
Those who benefit most from our capitalism do not want those of us who are anti-capitalist to have access to profit. Our profit becomes distributive. Our profit is uncooperative.
-Be Oakley
The art world relies on unpaid and underpaid labor.
-Be Oakley
As a white person, I think it’s paramount to be 100 percent transparent about the money we make and how we make it. I think other white artists and artistic laborers should share their salaries whenever asked.
-Be Oakley

-Despy Boutris