Happy Thursday, all.
I’m having the busiest week. In any case,
here’s what I have for you today:
Housekeeping etc.
What I’m reading
I have updated/organized my website. You should check out my shop.
Also, like. If anyone needs their website designed…pay me & I’ll do it for you.
I’m trying to organize my library—which means parting with a lot of books.
If you snag 5 books for $30 in my store this week, I’ll toss in a free zine, too.
Californians, this is a great shirt whose design was made by a disabled artist. You should buy one.
Also, look at this art by Lupe Soto. I’m obsessed.
That second one’s going to be one of my future book covers. I call it. Mine.
What I read last week:
Festival, Jessica Higgins
Flojo, Derek Abella
Holding Lindo Bacon Accountable for Repeated Harm in the Fat Liberation & HAES® Communities
To read:

God bless the students who nod at you while you lecture in class. Most of them look at you like you're a like dead fish, but there is always one, nodding along. A hero.

If there is one bit of advice that I have it is this: do not try to compete with these young girls when it comes to photos or videos. They were born in this age. We are just trespassers. You cannot match them.

The awkward moment when you’re a surgical resident completing a DoorDash delivery on your “spare time” to the hospital you work at, and everyone kind of stares… tell me the system isn’t flawed. #MedTwitter
Plz share recommended side hustles for residents/can’t moonlight.

Yesterday wasnt enough We Need another Internationals Womens day. so Happy inTernationals Womens day Again

One of the cruelest things about #LongCovid and #MECFS is that it makes people so exhausted we can’t even advocate for ourselves. This movement needs allies like no other. Please take a tiny action today & RT #ResearchLongCovid tweets to help amplify our voices ❤️

is it weird that "instant" and "overnight" are synonymous as descriptions of celebrity but antonyms as descriptions of oats

"This town so scared of the dark. As raindrops freckled my face, I launched paper airplanes from twenty feet up, hoping they’d make their way to another planet.”
#Inch50 #ComingSoon bullcitypress.com/product-catego…

At Google, female research scientist women were blocked when they tried to hire other female research scientist women.
The reason given, on multiple occasions, was that we were trying to hire "our friends".
Shall we unpack this with respect to how sexist discrimination works?

got a live one for ya: my mom told me that during the Spanish Flu epidemic, my great-grandpa’s Scottish dad rounded up all the kids in the barn and made everyone inhale a wheat-curing agent (in the formaldehyde family) “until they couldn’t anymore.”
no one got the flu.
Stay safe out there—