Hi. Hope everyone’s taking care of yourselves & each other.
Here’s what I have for you today:
What I’m reading
Call to action
It’s a long one, so please open this email in a new window if you want to make it to the end.
Things in the US have just gotten terribler & many people have, and will, be able to articulate the tragedy & upcoming dangers better than I ever could. I’ve included some of their tweets below.
amid ~~all that~~ I remain on vacation, & I’m trying to enjoy it. Here are some recent pics. I’m writing to you from Israel rn.
Some resources/threads for fellow American readers:
What I finished reading:
Field Study, Chet’la Sebree (3/5 stars)
A and B and Also Nothing, Chris Campanioni (4/5 stars)
What I’m rereading:
Time is the Thing a Body Moves Through, T Fleishmann
I hate to admit I was afraid you’d leave.
This is the way I never wanted to love anybody.
-Chet’la Sebree
Every day that I exist I acknowledge that being alive is an act of resistance.
-Chet’la Sebree
Even when we aren’t talking about race we are.
It’s inextricable from how I exist in this world.
-Chet’la Sebree
I needed to know I belonged anywhere, to anyone.
-Chet’la Sebree
I don’t know where the rupture began.
-Chet’la Sebree
What is the distance between dream and nightmare? Between there and terror?
-Chet’la Sebree
If it weren’t for ruins, I wouldn’t be writing.
-Chet’la Sebree
Once upon a time, I thought I’d been found.
-Chet’la Sebree
I want to believe that I can be whole with a hole in me.
-Chet’la Sebree
What if someone doesn’t love the me I let them see?
-Chet’la Sebree
Am I attracted to things that will break me—moth drawn to flame, paper wings incendiary?
-Chet’la Sebree
What if I’m irreparable?
-Chet’la Sebree
I’m still sore from the remembering, the forgetting, the remnants.
-Chet’la Sebree
I was ensnared in the hive of our love.
-Chet’la Sebree
You are like windblown sand, silt still in my crevasses.
-Chet’la Sebree
I don’t want any man to be my beginning.
-Chet’la Sebree
Don’t write about what you’re not willing to cannibalize.
-Shara McCallum
Is this a poem, a prose, a prayer?
-Chet’la Sebree
I’m just one woman working toward resolution.
-Chet’la Sebree
What does it mean to feel I belong to nowhere?
To be constantly creating new sites of ruin?
-Chet’la Sebree
Love takes courage, and I no longer think myself brave.
-Chet’la Sebree
Even then I was […] writing so as to be here twice.
-Chris Campanioni
I know that every story is a ghost story but who is haunting who?
-Chris Campanioni
Every reader is a voyeur the same way every writer is an exhibitionist, flaunting their metaphysical corpus every time they put it down on paper, expecting a gaze they will never be able to meet.
-Chris Campanioni
Remembering is an act of memory but also an act of love.
-Chris Campanioni
Sometimes I have the thought that when I write about what happened, I might change the outcome—that is, change the future but also the present and the past.
-Chris Campanioni
Still so much made obsolete. To be visible, to be seen, which is another sort of clarity, is more than a mark of permission. […] To be visible is to be validated. To be seen is to be heard. Everybody listen.
-Chris Campanioni
What would it mean to map the presence of non-normative bodies in our cultural and literal landscape? How do we write about something that has never been written about? And where to do it if not the page we’re on—not to drop out of the book, as James Baldwin has written, but to place ourselves in.
-Chris Campanioni
Queering the archive means seeking alternate sources of evidence, it means attending to and undermining the heteronormative, racialized, cultural, and state processes that have only produced exclusion under the auspices of forming a “national identity.” Queering the archive means to call into question all origin narratives, and all identity premised on nation-building. It means axing ownership; it means owning up to our failure to do without. In short, it means survival, particularly in the face of a culture and a history that has done its best to dismember you.
-Chris Campanioni
No one should know everything about a person; […] people aren’t problems to solve, but questions to consider.
-Chris Campanioni
I know that sort of tenderness one feels when one’s soul is felt across space, across time. Across a page in a book and all the other hands that have bent the binding.
-Chris Campanioni
My mouth, too, seems so often to want to stutter into the choreography of the elsewhere, a place I find myself when I would have wished to hide myself, or be forgotten.
-Chris Campanioni
I care a lot more about the process than the finite product that comes out of the creative act.
-Chris Campanioni
Hybridity is the salve and salvo for those who have been marginalized, who exist in the middle and on the edges, partial and peripheral, at the intersection of categories and labels, race and ethnicity and gender, and the body one carries and is carried by; an expression of the isolation and alienation of non-binary, non-normative, neo-mestizo persons. What better way to account for our experience than to re-present it through the liminal frame of the hybrid personal accounting?
-Chris Campanioni
What I want isn’t story but myth. Not to tell the truth but to tell of the moment truth evacuates into legend.
-Chris Campanioni
Hybridity isn’t a choice. It isn’t an experiment, it isn’t a response to generic conventions or the formal innovations of such constraints, it isn’t abstract cosmopolitanism, it isn’t another version of the lyric essay, it isn’t the academy’s new keyword, or literature’s new passkey. […] It is survival.
-Chris Campanioni
Take the non-normative and transform the normative.
Take the non-narrative and transform the narrative.
-Chris Campanioni
The past is never past but always present.
-Chris Campanioni
Every time I reproduce myself, I stave off annihilation.
-Chris Campanioni
When I am not touched I begin to collect dust.
-Chris Campanioni
What could be more important […] than disclosing your subject-position as researcher while disclosing your research?
-Chris Campanioni
How can the sharing of our stories promote activism, healing, and survival?
-Chris Campanioni
Sometimes the best act of documentation is to listen.
-Chris Campanioni
Nothing fucks you harder than time.
-Chris Campanioni
Most of the cornerstones of queer theory that are taught, cited, and canonized in gay and lesbian studies classrooms, publications, and conferences are decidedly directed toward analyzing white lesbians and gay men. […] The field of queer theory is a place where a scholar of color can easily be lost in an immersion of vanilla while her or his critical faculties can be frozen by an avalanche of snow.
-José Esteban Muñoz
Every life is the defense of a form.
-Susan Sontag, 1979
I was writing […] to see where my excess of desire would go.
-T Fleischmann
What can one do with a past?
What I mean is, what can we do with our bodies?
-T Fleischmann
I think of what is not written, the silenced past and the terrifying future that weigh on autobiography.
-T Fleischmann
I think of the love I have within myself and in thinking of it make it an offering to the many-handed hunger of transsexuality.
-T Fleischmann
I resisted the mainstreaming of queerness, as it seemed urgent to sustain a more radical tradition, assimilation being a form of death.
-T Fleischmann
I hope beauty might still touch my humanity, the part of me that is shared, that is awful and good.
-T Fleischmann
I know what it means to be unfixed from narrative, an unfixing that feels something like claiming power.
-T Fleischmann
This is me, for better or worse.
-T Fleischmann
I distrust linearity.
-T Fleischmann
Call to action:
Send a donation to a reputable abortion fund.
We’re poets, we’re writers—so of course this donation can be small. If you donate more than $20 & email me proof & your address (you can reply right to this message & I’ll get it!), I’ll send you a free zine.
Anyways, per one of the resources I listed above (x):
If you’re looking to give money:
*Remember to give locally. Now is not the time to support Planned Parenthood, NARAL, The ACLU, or The Center for Reproductive Rights*
These orgs have long-standing foundation funding, they have major grants, and access to donors that small abortion funds, independent clinics, and many state-based orgs DO NOT.
If you’re looking to learn more read this great op-ed in Teen Vogue, here’s more background from Monica Rae Simpson in 2014, and from Amy Littlefield in the NYT
Now is the time to invest locally in abortion funds. Funding abortion builds power. Funding abortion is a radical act of empathy. Here is a great list from @helmsinki
Here’s an ActBlue link that will split funds between 80 abortion funds
Support Black feminist leadership fighting for Reproductive Justice
Here’s a great thread from Alison Dreith re practical support funds and the folks who work SO HARD to get abortion patients to their appointments
You can also donate to practical support funds here
Even better, and if you have the capacity! Start a monthly recurring donation to your local abortion fund. Sustaining contributions and support are vital, especially during times like this. $5 a month goes a long way!
Support local, independent abortion clinics via the Keep Our Clinics campaign and the Abortion Care Network
Use these links to find your local indie clinic and you can give directly to them
Help expand abortion access in MD. Morgan and Diane are working to open an independent abortion clinic in Maryland.
Give to state-based orgs led by Black, Brown, and Indigenous folks. These leaders have been investing in this long term fight, and will continue to be leading for years to come:
Bold Futures - NM
Our Justice - MN
Holler Health Justice - Appalachia
AVOW Texas - TX
Jane’s Due Process - TX
New Voices for Reproductive Justice - OH and PA
Put your money to use with these C4 orgs: All* Above All Action Fund, AVOW Pac (TX specific), Reproductive Equity Now (MA specific), Colorado Organization for Latina Opportunity and Reproductive Rights Action Fund,
You can donate another way by buying this shirt I designed—all proceeds are sent from the website directly to the National Network of Abortion Funds. *shrugs* I have little to offer monetarily but at least use my dumb graphic design skills when I can.
In conclusion:
With love & solidarity,