Happy Monday!
Here’s what I have for you today:
Love letters
I’ve been busy, as usual—working 50hrs a week & pursuing lil passion projects in my spare time. Here are some recent pics.
Love letters:
Thank you, kind twitter people, for being nice to me. I love you and cherish you & your work.

To buy (when I can afford them!):
To read:
I have always been afraid of scarcity, ever since I was a kid. Food, time, love, it doesn’t matter. I worry that I will run through the finite supply and be left wanting. Every time I’m in the presence of someone I care about, I think: what if I lose them, to death or circumstance? What if this is the last time I ever get to hold them or kiss them or talk to them? Every time I write a story, or an essay, or a book, I think: what if that was the last one? The last opportunity to scratch my presence into the earth? Because there is always that moment. There is always a last bite, a final conversation.
I feel always tender in the wrong places.
-Audre Lorde
Call to action:
Write a poem to a friend—even if it’s only a tiny haiku. Write for [Friend’s Name] as your epigraph. Send to said friend.

That’s all for today!
Please buy things so that I can pay my rent. Love you.