Happy Friday!
Here’s what I have for you today:
The prompt
Lil shopping guide
Prompt: Day 26
Use another poet’s line as your first line in a poem. (With credit)
It’s almost June. Be gay & proud. I’ve designed so many fun shirts.
You’ve heard of I ♥ NY—now get ready for:
& here’s a lil shopping guide:
I should have known
when he called me “cathedral”
I was only a place
for sacrifices
-Alexis Bates
I move my body through surf & imagine foam teeth
dissolve me—
this, my most precious spell. Death is a blue burglar
but I am vigilant.
I address the monster inside me, which is animal
& male.
-John Allen Taylor
The air thick & humid
settles like moss at your throat—
-John Allen Taylor
I’m not versed in these verses,
their grist and tumble.
-Grace Arenas
Someone told me once that we are all cadavers,
or was it flowers
that have yet to bloom.
-Anthony Borruso
This business of being
in a body is so tiresome.
-Anthony Borruso
What faith do you consider yourself to be?
I have no faith in anything but the coyote’s howl.
-Anthony Borruso
I kept
kisses on the threshold
of my lips. I was a birch branch
teetering in wind.
Then winter came to crust
the streets. Trees slouched.
The sun turned peach.
-Anthony Borruso
To have two mouths, one for singing
and one for screaming bloody murder—
this is what the poet strives for.
-Anthony Borruso
Sound of a match
Sound of a forest
burned down—that
kind of quiet.
-Anthony Borruso
I tried so hard
to find myself in the spines of the men
who wronged me.
-Tariq Luthun
I’ve left so many
times — and so much — to find
what might come of flinging
oneself into thirst; to drown
in every possibility, and
learn — if it’s possible —
to emerge unscathed.
-Tariq Luthun
Still, I’ve never known
a law to rewind a bullet
or a bomb, to unwind
a spine too busy wrapped
around Grief.
-Tariq Luthun
And I pray
for everything
that has not tried
to kill me; feeling
blessed, I pray
for everything
that has tried
and failed. I pray
for everything.
-Tariq Luthun

That’s all I have for you today!
& as always, I hope you’ll consider buying some books or art or zines or giving me attention on Instagram. No pressure, though.
See you tomorrow—
-Despy Boutris