september 14: round-up (recs, links, calls for submissions)
Happy Tuesday! I hope you’re all doing well and taking good care of yourselves.
A few housekeeping things:
I am now offering editing and tutoring services through my website. I’m happy to adjust rates for anyone interested but on a tight budget. Hurrah!
I have a lil interview out with Alphabet Box (thank you to the editor, Steve FitzGerald!). It’s a new gorgeous journal, and it’s open for submissions now. I’m grateful I was included.
I have also been collaging obsessively. You can buy one (usually for under $10) here. They’re handmade, one-of-a-kind, etc. etc.
Now: the good stuff.
Book recs:
My sole recommendation this week is Horsepower by Joy Priest, which I’ve been gushing about on Twitter and to my friends for days now. One of the best books I’ve read this year (and [x] I’ve [x] read [x] many!).
Calls for submissions:
The West Review ($10/poem)
Booth ($50 across all genres but charges for subs -_-)
Inscape (contributor copies)
Flash Frog ($25/story)
Baltimore Review ($40)
Berkeley Fiction Review ($25/story)
Alphabet Box ($20+/poem)
Revolute Lit ($25 across all genres)
Epoch Press ($15/piece)
Cinnabar Moth ($50/short story)
Helpful links:
The Ultimate Guide To Getting Published In A Literary Magazine
Everything I've Learned about Being a "Professional" Writer in One Post
Free articles/essays on my to-read list:
If your journal is open for submissions, please comment below to be added to this list.
And, to everyone else: thank you for being here.